Monday, January 21, 2013

Lessons learned over the weekend

We spent the weekend in Phoenix and capped it off with me running the Rock n Roll marathon.  It was meant to be a "practice" race for Boston.  Practice means you learn something and hopefully get better right?  Learn something I did.  I felt like I was learning something every day and each mile...

...the $2,000,000 automobile we watched be auctioned at the Barrett Jackson auction could have fed 1.2 million orphaned children for a WEEK! The $4,200,000 Batmobile is a whole other conversation.

...extended time with your spouse and without kids is a MUST in any relationship.

...someone who smiles at you and knows your name can make you smile back no matter what. Brittany Gable, thank you for being an out of nowhere cheering squad for me!

...when I thought I was hurting, I thought of the 5 million orphans whom I was positive had felt hurt much worse than what I was feeling.

...I wanted to drop out at mile 19 and my mom wouldn't let me, now that is a phenomenal woman. Mommas always know best.

...I will never give up doing whatever I can to give ours kiddos a loving and healthy home, why would I give up in a silly race? Dad ran his 92nd marathon (with little training) this weekend because his "bucket list" has 100 on it.  Now that is serious goal setting and faith.  I pray I can stick to my goals that way.  He is an inspiration to me every day. matter how hard you train, 26.2 miles is a long way and it hurts!

...the sight of your kids, waiting for you at the airport, even though you have only been gone 3 days is AWESOME!

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